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Cowboy Drew

Drew's (my oldest grandchild) kindergarten class had a Kindergarten Rodeo on March 11, 2011.  Here are some adorable pictures from that event. I am totally amazed at how creative the teachers were.

Trail Ride Through the School,
All the Classes came out into the
hallway to cheer the trail riders on!
Stick Horse Races - I don't guess Drew
 realized he was supposed to ride his
 horse and not just carry it!

Cowboy Drew!
Sitting in the Saddle -- Ride Em Cowboy!

Cutest Little Cowboy Ever!!

Calf Roping
Calf Roping
Not sure what they called this race
Cow Patty Toss
Another one I'm not sure what they called but it was a Father/Son effort -- way to go team!
Sack races -- LOVE that look on his face!
Chuck wagon races
Calf scramble -- they had to chase their friends around and pull the "tail" out of the pocket
Calf scramble in action
Horse Corral
Being a cowboy is hard work - it's time to eat!


About Me
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I have been involved in some kind of arts and crafts since I was a child. I love crafts of all kinds but have been narrowing my focus due to time constraints more than anything else. I am so blessed to have a husband and best friend who supports me in everything I do. I love being "Bebe" to Drew, Taylor, Ryan, and Evan. I thank God for everything he has blessed me with!
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